loathe the way they light candles in rome // but love the sweet air of the votives // hurt and grieve, but don't suffer alone // engage with the pain as a motive

my web page

hello! my name is Bell, im a player living in the SMP cluster of the serversphere. this page is for all the cool stuff i get up to with my mentor and my friends!

i want to update this regularly but im really busy so i may be a lil inconsistent :0{

keep an eye out for secrets too!

about me

- im a piglin that follows Kleos and their teachings

- i spawned in around 19 years ago, and my pronouns are it/chime/xen!

- im being mentored by Crown, a younger andreic who agreed to teach me what he knows. i love him a lot, and look up to him so so SO much. Crown, if you're reading this: HIIIIIIIIIIII :0}

- my hobbies are cartography, reading, magic, and channeling the flow with my familiar Edelweiss! she's a mourning dove and an absolute sweetheart